Category Archives: Lama, Yidam, Dakini and Dharmapala

Dorje Drolö Sādhana


The Profound Bestowal of Blessings

A Sādhana of Dorje Drolö from the Reality Ḍākinīs’ Secret Treasury (Chönyi Khandrö Sangdzö)

revealed by Sera Khandro

Penganugerahan Berkat yang Mendalam

Sādhana Dorje Drolö dari Harta Ajaran Spiritual Rahasia Ḍākinī Realita (Chönyi Khandrö Sangdzö)

diungkap oleh Sera Khandro


Namo padmākāraye!

Sembah sujud kepada Padmāsambhava!


The heruka embodying the three-kāya families
Is the supremely magnificent Dorje Drolö.
The profound method for accomplishing him
I shall now reveal for fortunate children.

Heruka yang merupakan perwujudan persatuan dari Trikaya keluarga Buddha

Merupakan Dorjé Drolö Maha Agung.

Cara terdalam untuk mencapai/menuntaskan pencapaian diriNya

Akan kuungkapkan sekarang untuk putra-putra yang beruntung.



To take refuge and generate bodhicitta, recite the following:

Untuk berlindung dan mewujudkan Bodhicitta, lafalkanlah kalimat berikut:

ན་མོ༔ དུས་གསུམ་རྒྱལ་བའི་སྤྱི་དཔལ་མཆོག༔

namo, dü sum gyalwé chipal chok

Namo. Supreme, glorious embodiment of the victorious ones of the three times,

Sembah sujud. Perwujudan agung nan mulia Para Buddha (Para Pemenang) dari tiga masa,


rigdzin lamar kyab su chi

Vidyādhara guru, in you I take refuge.

Guru Vidyādhara, kepadaMulah aku memohon perlindungan.


magyur drowa semchen kün

I generate the intention to lead all sentient beings,

Aku mewujudkan Bodhicitta untuk membimbing semua makhluk hidup,


yangdak sar gö semkyé do

My very own past mothers, to the authentic state.

(Yaitu) Makhluk-makhluk yang di masa lampau pernah menjadi ibuku, menuju keadaan Kebudhaan (keadaan alami nan asali).


Repeat three times.

Lafalkanlah kalimat di atas sebanyak tiga kali.


For the main practice, visualize the maṇḍala in the following way:

Untuk praktik utama, visualisasikan maṇḍala dengan cara ini:

ཨཱཿ འཁོར་འདས་ཆོས་ཀུན་སྟོང་པའི་ངང༔

ah khordé chö kün tongpé ngang

Ah. In the emptiness of all phenomena throughout saṃsāra and nirvāṇa,

Ah. Dalam kesunyataandari segala fenomena sepanjang samsara dan nirvana,


rang dang nyingjé chenpor shar

Its self-radiance arises as great compassion.

Pancaran alami dirinya timbul sebagai belas kasih nan agung (maha karuna).


rigpa gyu yik hung marnak

Awareness is the dark red Hūṃ, syllable of the central channel,

Kesadaran sempurna (rigpa) ialah Hūṃ berwarna merah, suku kata dari kanal tengah,


dé lé ö trö gyal kün chö

From which light shines out to make offerings to all the buddhas,

Darinya sinar terpancar untuk memberikan persembahan kepada semua buddha,


jinlab tsur dü hung la tim

And collect their blessings, which dissolve into the Hūṃ.

Dan mengumpulkan berkah Mereka, yang larut ke dalam Hūṃ.


chi nö pema ö kyi shying

The outer environment becomes the realm of Lotus Light;

Lingkungan sekitarku tersempurnakan menjadi alam suci Sinar Teratai;


nangchü pawo khandrö dal

And the inhabitants, the maṇḍala of vīras and ḍākinīs.

Dan para penghuninya, mandala para vira dan ḍākinī.


dé ü lhündrub shyalyé khang

At the centre, is the spontaneously present celestial palace,

Pada bagian tengahnya, adalah istana surgawi yang hadir secara spontan,


tsé dang tsennyi yongdzok long

An expanse that is entirely perfect in scale and attribute.

Suatu hamparan yang sempurna seluruhnya dalam hal skala dan atribut/yang sempurna secara keseluruhannya dalam segi skala maupun atribut.


pema nyidé den gyi teng

There, upon seats of lotus, sun and moon,

Di sana, di atas tahkta teratai, adalah tempat duduk mentari dan rembulan,


rangnyi dorjé drowolö

I appear as Dorje Drolö,

Aku menampakkan diri sebagai Dorje Drolö,


marmuk dangden shyal chikpa

Reddish-brown, radiant and with a single face.

Cokelat kemerahan, bercahaya dan berwajah tunggal.


chen sum dang mik ying su zik

His three eyes stare angrily into space.

Ketiga mataNya menatap angkasa dengan beringas.


amtsik chewa no kar den

He bites his lower lip with sharp white fangs.

Ia menggigit bibir bagian bawahNya dengan taring-taring putih nan tajam.


utra marser yé su khyil

His hair is golden and curls to the right.

RambutNya berwarna merah keemasan dan mengikal ke arah kanan.


tökam ugyen tsedren dzé

He wears dried skulls, beautiful crown and crest adornments.

Ia mengenakan tengkorak-tengkorak kering, mahkota indah dan hiasan gombak.


chak yé dorjé tsé gu char

His right hand brandishes a nine-spoked vajra

Tangan kananNya mengacungkan vajra bersula sembilan


nöjé gyal dön dul du lak

To annihilate harm-doers, gyalpo and dön spirits.

Untuk menyirnakan para pelaku kejahatan, roh-roh gyalpo dan dön.


yönpé purpa gek la zir

His left hand points a kīla towards hindrances

Tangan kiriNya menggenggam kilaya yang diacungkan ke arah rintangan


lokdren damsi zil gyi nön

And overpowers corrupting influences and damsi demons.

Dan menaklukkan pengaruh buruk dan iblis damsi.


ku la pöka ber chen dang

His body is covered with a gown and cloak,

TubuhNya berbalut toga/pakaian terusan dan jubah,


tang sham la gö chögö sol

Lower and upper garments and dharma robe.

Pakaian atas dan bawah serta jubah dharma.


tö lön trengwé doshal chang

A garland of fresh skulls hangs from his neck.

Karangan berbagai tengkorak segar bergantung di lehernya.


shyab nyi dortab mepung long

His two feet are in heruka pose as he stands amidst flames

Kedua kakinya berada dalam pose heruka seraya/tatkala Beliau berdiri di tengah-tengah kobaran api


takmo drümé teng na gying

And rides upon a pregnant tigress.

Dan menunggangi seekor harimau hamil.


nang la rangshyin mepar gom

Meditate on how he appears while lacking reality.

Yakinlah pada caraNya menampakkan diri tanpa realitas.

Meditasikan/Sadari bagaimana Ianya tampak meski tanpa keberadaan nyata


detar salwé né sum lé

From the three centres of the deity visualized in this way,

Dari ketiga pintu yidam yang divisualisasikan dengan cara ini,


ö trö gyalwé shying la pok

Light shines out and strikes the buddha realms.

Cahaya terpancar dan menyentuh alam buddha.


gyal kün tukgyü malü kul

It invokes the wisdom minds of all the buddhas,

Hal ini menggugah pikiran bijaksana dari semua buddha,


dorjé drolö nampar ru

And invites them to enter the form of Dorje Drolö,

Dan mengundang mereka ke dalam wujud Dorje Drolö,


chendrang damyé yermé gyur

So that samaya and wisdom beings merge inseparably.

Sehingga samaya dan makhluk-mahluk bijaksana (Samaya-sattva dan Jnana-sattva) bersatu tak terpisahkan.


tukkar dorjé tewa ru

In the hub of the vajra at his heart

Dalam pusat vajra di hatiNya


hung yik marnak tama la

Is a dark red Hūṃ, around which

Adalah Hūṃ berwarna merah tua, yang di sekitarnya


ngak kyi trengwé yé su khor

The mantra garland revolves clockwise.

Berputar rangkaian mantra searah jarum jam.


ö trö dön nyi jé tsur dü

Light shines out, brings twofold benefit and returns.

Cahaya terpancar keluar, membawa dua macam manfaat dan cahaya kembali.


nangsi lha yi chakgyar min

The whole of apparent existence ripens as the deity mudrā,

Keseluruhan eksistensi yang tampak jelas berbuah seraya yidam bersikap/melakukan mudra/tangan yidam membentuk mudra,

Keseluruhan eksistensi yang tampak tumbuh matang dan muncul dalam wujud Yidam deity


dra drak ngak kyi khorlor dak

All sounds are purified into the wheel of mantra,

Segala suara dimurnikan ke dalam roda mantra,


dren tok nyamnyi chökur dzok

And all thoughts are perfected as dharmakāya equality.

Dan semua pikiran disempurnakan sebagai kesetaraan dharmakāya.


ma trul yé yin chenpö ngang

In this state that has never known delusion, recite:

Pada keadaan ini yang tak pernah mengenal kesesatan/delusi, lafalkanlah:


om ah hung benza guru drowolö sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru drowolö loka sarva siddhi hūṃ hūṃ

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru drowolö loka sarva siddhi hūṃ hūṃ


With the crucial points of focus as described,
Recite this ten million times and accomplishment is assured.
Have no doubts about this—samaya!

Beserta/Disertai hal-hal/pokok-pokok penting  yang telah digambarkan,

Lafalkanlah kalimat ini sepuluh juta kali dan pencapaian spiritual pun terjamin.

Jangan ragu akan hal ini—samaya!


On occasion, practise the sharp point of activity:

Sesekali, praktikkanlah aktivitas yang manjur/aktivitas inti pokok terjitu:


rang gi tukké hung yik lé

From the Hūṃ syllable at my heart,

Dari suku kata Hūṃ di hatiku,


özer chakdik nakpo ni

Rays of light dispatch black iron scorpions,

Sinar cahaya mengeluarkan kalajengking besi berwarna hitam,


gogu lüpo mik gi gang

Nine-headed, their bodies filled with eyes,

Berkepala sembilan, tubuh mereka dipenuhi dengan mata,


khalang nabün tibpa shyin

And in gatherings like thick clouds of mist.

Dan berkelompok bagaikan awan kabut tebal.


mepung tsöncha ta ra ra

With sudden force, they shoot out jets of flame and weaponry

Dengan kekuatan yang seketika, mereka menembakkan semburan api dan senjata


nöjé gyalgong damsi kün

That destroy harm-doers, gyalpo, gongpo and damsi,

Yang menghancurkan pelaku kejahatan, gyalpo, gongpo dan damsi


dul lak zé zö khyur mi tang

Which they then swallow as food.

Yang lalu mereka telan sebagai makanan.


jeshul lhakmé sekpar sam

And whatever remains is burnt without trace.

Dan apa pun yang tersisa terbakar tanpa jejak.


om ah hung benza guru raksha drowolö sarva dushten maraya hung pé

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru rakṣa drowolö loka sarva duṣṭān māraya hūṃ phaṭ

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru rakṣa drowolö loka sarva duṣṭān māraya hūṃ phaṭ

ས་མ་ཡ༔ ཟབ་རྒྱ༔ གསང་རྒྱ༔ གཏད་རྒྱ༔ སྦས་རྒྱ༔ བརྡ་ཐིམ༔

To recite this, undistracted and with clear samādhi,
Will render you impervious to gyalpo demons and harmful influences.
This is profound. Those in future who possess the right karmic connection
Will take to heart signs and indications that will become clear.
Practise this secretly in a one-to-one transmission.
Samaya. Seal of profundity. Seal of secrecy. Seal of entrustment. Seal of concealment. Signs are fading.

Melafalkan ini, tanpa teralih gangguan dan dengan samādhi yang jernih,

Akan membuatmu tahan terhadap iblis gyalpo dan pengaruh-pengaruh buruk

Ajaran ini sangat istimewa. Orang-orang di masa mendatang yang memiliki hubungan karma baik

Akan menghayati berbagai tanda dan indikasi yang akan menjadi nyata.

Praktikkanlah ajaran ini secara rahasia dalam transmisi langsung satu orang ke satu orang /perseorangan.

Samaya. Segel keistimewaan. Segel kerahasiaan. Segel kepercayaan. Segel persembunyian. Berbagai pertanda semakin memudar.

ཐུབ་པར་སྲུངས་ཤིག ཌཱཀྐིའི་རྒྱ༔

Guard this with the razor of life-force. 
Do not let it fall into the hands of samaya-breakers,
But guard it ably! Seal of the ḍākinī.

Jagalah ajaran ini dengan pisau daya kekuatan hidup.

Jangan biarkan jatuh ke dalam tangan para penghancur samaya,

Tetapi jagalah baik-baik! Segel ḍākinī.


Thus, when the words of the supreme tulku Samanta Surya reached the crown of my head, I, Sukha Badzra Tsal, decoded this from ḍākinī script and committed it to writing.

Maka dari itu, ketika sabda tulku Samanta Surya yang agung mencapai mahkota puncak kepalaku, aku, Sukha Badzra Tsal, menafsirkan hal/menerjemahkan ini dari naskah suci ḍākinī dan menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulisan.


Twenty One TARA


Twenty One TARA

The holy goddess Green Tara transforms Herself into twenty one Tara which work to help the twenty-one aspect of human life, such as helping human from magic and witchcraft, water disasters, catastrophic fire and can also help couples who have not had offspring, etc.

This is a reverence to Twenty-One Tara :

OM jetsun-ma phag-ma drolma-la chag-tsal lo

Chag-tsal TARE nyur-ma pal-mo

TUTTARE-yi jig-pa sel-ma

TURE don-kun jin-pe drol-ma

SOHA yi-ge cho-la du-do

OM, I bow to the sacred and noble Tara

Bow down to TARE who is swift and glorious

and eliminate any fears with TUTTARE

Rescuers with TURE who can give all expectations

I bow to You, wise words SOHA

Chag-tsal drol-ma nyur-ma pal-mo

Chen-ni ke-chig lo-dang dra-ma

Jig-ten sum-gon chu-che zhal-ji

Ge-sar je-wa le-ni jung-ma

I prostrate to the swift and glorious Tara

Whose eyes view like lightning

Whose is emerging from a Lotus Flower Crown

Of the three moments ruler

Chag-tsal ton-kei da-wa kun-tu

Gang-wa jia-ni tseng-pei zhal-ma

Kar-ma tong-trag tsog-pa nam-chi

Rab-tu je-wei o-rab bar-ma

Bow down to Whom that has face like

Hundred full moon in Autumn

Which shone like the scattered light

And a thousand stars

Chag-tsal ser-ngo chu-nei che-chi

Pe-mei cha-ni nam-par jien-ma

Jin-pa tson-du ka-tub zhi-ma

Zo-pa sam-ten cho-yul nyi-ma

Prostration to Her who has hands decorated with

Blue Golden Lotus which is the scope of

Activity of Generosity, Tenacity, Rigor,

Calmness, Patience and Meditation

Chag-tsal de-zhin she-pei tsug-tor

Tha-ye nam-par gial-wa cho-ma

Ma-lu pa-rol jin -pa tob-pei

Gial-wei se-chi shin-tu ten-ma

Prostration to Her who is the embodiment of the Tathagata

Who achieved victory without limits

and Who is served by the son of the conqueror

Who has reached all the perfection

Chag-tsal tut-ta ra-hung yi-ge

Do-dang chog-dang nam-kha gang-ma

Jig-ten dun-po zhab-chi nen-te

Lu-pa me-par gug-pa nu-ma

Prostrate on the wise words TUTTARA Hum

that meets the world of lust,

direction and space, Who set  foot into the seven worlds

and Who has the power to conquer all

Chag-tsal jia-jin me-lha tsang-pa

Lung-lha na-tsog wang-chug cho-ma

Jung-po ro-lang dri-za nam-dang

No-jin tsog-chi dun-ne to-ma

I bow to Her who is worshiped by The God Sakka, The God of Fire, Brahma,

Vayu God and Ishvara God who gathered before

Demons, Zombies, Gandharva and

The Yakshas who praise Her

Chag-tsal trat-ched ja-dang phet-chi

Pa-rol trul-kor rab-tu jo-ma

Ye-kum yon-chang zhab-chi nen-te

Me-bar trug-pa shin-tu bar-ma

I bow to Her who conquered all evil spells TRAT and PHAT

who dwells amid the fierce blaze

while stepping with the right foot outstretched

and left leg bent

Chag-tsal tu-re jig-pa chen-mo

Du-chi pa-wo nam-par jom-ma

Chu-che zhal-ni tro-nyer den-ze

Dra-wo tam-che ma-lu so-ma 

I bow to the TURE who is terrible

Who conquered all evil demons

that Her Lotus Face shows

wrinkles anger and exterminate all enemies

Chag-tsal kon-chog sum-tsun cha-je

Sor-mo thug-kar nam-par jien-ma 

Ma-lu chog-chi khor-lo jien-pe

Rang-gi o-chi tsog-nam trug-ma

I bow to Her who decorates Her Heart with Her Fingers

form the Mudra symbolizing The Three Jewels

decorated with Chakra from all majors

are enveloped by a bright light collection

Chag-tsal rab-tu ga-wei ji-pei

U-jien o-chi treng-wei pel-ma

Zhe-pa rab-zhe tut-ta ra-yi

Du-dang jig-ten wang-du dze-ma

I bow to Her who has full of joy

crowned by dazzling jewelry that emit light

who is laughing, laughing out loud,

control of the devil and the universe with TUTTARA

Chag-tsal sa-zhi chong-wei tsog-nam

Tam-che gug-par nu-pa nyi-ma

Tro-nyer yo-wei yi-ge hung-gi

Pong-pa tam-che nam-par drol-ma

I bow to Her who has the power to

uniting all earthly protector

fully saved every needy

with the letter HUM that moving creepy

Chag-tsal da-wei dum-bu u-jien 

Jien-pa tam-che shin-tu bar-ma

Ral-pei tro-ne o-pa me-le

Tag-par shin-tu o-ni dze-ma

Which has a crescent moon decoration

Which brightly lit with a variety of other jewelery

hair knot above Her Head is Amitabha Buddha

Who emit light continuously

Chag-tsal kal-pei ta-mei me-tar

Bar-wei treng-wei u-na ne-ma

Ye-chang yon-kum kun-ne kor-ga

Dra-yi pung-ni nam-par jom-ma

I bow to Her who dwells in the midst of a circle of fire

Who is like the fire of the thousands of years and fully conquered

siege the enemy of happiness

with an outstretched right leg and Her left leg bent

Chag-tsal sa-zhi ngu-la chag-gi

Thil-ji nun-ching zhab-chi dung-ma

Tro-nyer chen-dze yi-ge hung-gi

Rim-pa dun-po nam-ni gem-ma

I bow to Her who tread the earth’s surface

with the palm of Her Hand and who stamped Her Foot

with the condition of creepy and with the letter HUM

taming The Seven Levels of Life

Chag-tsal de-ma ge-ma zhi-ma

Nya-ngen de-zhi cho-yul nyi-ma

 So-ha om-dang yang-dag den-pei

Dig-pa chen-po jom-pa nyi-ma

I bow to Her who has joyful, virtue, peacefulness

Who is the sphere of peaceful Nirvana

Who destroys The Bad Karma

through the perfection of having OM and SVAHA

Chag-tsal kun-ne kor-rab ga-wei

Dra-yi lu-ni rab-tu Gem-ma

Yi-ge chu-pei ngag-ni ko-pei

Rig-pa hung-le drol-ma nyi-ma

I bow to Her who could devastating the bodies of

enemy that besiege happiness

Who is liberating the formulation

spell ten words and HUM

Chag-tsal tu-re zhab-ni dab-pe

Hung-gi nam-pei sa-won nyi-ma

Ri-rab man-da ra-dang big-je

Jig-ten sum-nam yo-wa nyi-ma

I bow to TURE who stamped Her Foot

which along with the wise words HUM

Who shakes the Mandhara mountain, Vindhya

and the three realms of life

Chag-tsal lha-yi tso-yi nam-pei

Ri-dag tag-chen chag-na nam-ma

Ta-ra nyi-jo phet-chi yi-ge

Dug-nam ma-lu par-ni sel-ma 

I bow to Her who is holding the symbol of

gentle creatures shaped like a celestial lake

Who is pronouncing TARA twice and letters PHET

banish all toxins

Chag-tsal lha-yi ts0g-nam gial-po 

Lha-dang mi-am chi-yi ten-ma

Kun-ne go-cha ga-wei ji-chi

Tso-dang mi-lam ngen-pa sel-ma

I bow to Her who is served by The King of Gods,

The Gods and all spirits that eliminate

contention and nightmares

with a perfect shield

Chag-tsal nyi-ma da-wa je-pei

Chen-nyi po-la o-rab sal-ma

Ha-ra nyi-jo tut-ta re-yi

Shin-tu drag-po rim-ne sel-ma

I kneel on both Her Eyes which are like the sun and the full moon

that emits brilliant light

through pronunciation HARA twice and TUTTARE

which eliminate the terrible diseases

Chag-tsal de-nyi sum-nam ko-pei

Zhi-wei thu-dang yang-dag den-ma

Don-dang ro-lang no-jin tsog-nam

Jom-pa tu-re rab-chog nyi-ma

I bow to Her who has the power

to create three nature

to conquer the group of Demons, Zombies and Yakshas

by TURE the most superior

Tsa-wei ngag-chi to-pa di-dang

Chag-tsal wa-ni nyi-shu tsa-chig

Praise of this Root Mantra

I offer by making twenty one times prostration ( Namaskara )***

The Holy Mantra of Twenty One TARA is    OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA

Chanting the mantra of Twenty One TARA would be more benefit if the chanter has received Oral Transmissions from a Teacher who holds The Teaching Lineage.

Lama, Yidam, Dakini and Dharmapala


Lama” is Guru (teacher), Padmasambhava is the Main-Guru in Tibetan Buddhism, He is the first Master who teach Tantrayana between human to human, He brings the teachings of Buddhism from India to Tibet in the eighth century, Padmasambhava taught the Secret Tantric Mantra also, we call Padmasambhava “Guru Rinpoche


“Yidam” is protector, Vajra Kilaya is one of the protector which is known in Tibetan Buddhism, especially Nyingma tradition.

Vajra Kilaya is The Vajra Youth, the supreme son of all Wrathful Victors united, skilfully slaying devils with His sharp bladed Vajra, the liberator, transcending violence, deity of perfect activity, homage to Dorje Zhonnu, practicing the teachings of Vajra Kilaya is  useful for human beings, also to protect us from harm, the interference from outside, inside and hidden





“Dakini” is Holy Goddess, Green Tara is one of the Holy Goddess that taught in Tantrayana Buddhism, many Buddhists in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and India make Tara rituals in every morning, Green Tara is known also in Indonesia, when Saylendra Dynasty build Borobudur temple in the middle of  Java island  in the eighth century, they made reliefs and statue of Green Tara too, in Indonesia Green Tara is known as the Green Goddess, many Indonesian Buddhists make Green Goddess’s holy ceremony to bring fertility and prosperity for agriculture in the past time and the present time.

The 25 th of every month in Lunar calendar is the holy day of Dakini



“Dharmapala” is the protector of  Dharma.

Padmasambhava had been plagued by creatures of the Himalayas and the other ruling power of the earth when He spread the teachings of the Buddha (Dharma) in Tibet, but He can defeat these ruling creatures.  After being defeated, these creatures learn Dharma from Padmasambhava up to the level of Bodhisattva, and they swear in front of Padmasambhava.  that in the future, who will run the Dharma properly, will be protected by them  so Padmasambhava called them Dharmapala which means protector of Dharma.

The 29th of every month in Lunar calendar is the holy day of Dharmapala.



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