Category Archives: Dharma

The Mani Stone of Dusum Sangje Prayer


The Mani Stones

The Mani Stone of Dusum Sangje Prayer


Mani stones are stone plates, rocks and / or pebbles, inscribed with Prayer or mantra as a form of prayer in Tibetan Buddhism.

Creating and carving mani stones as devotional or intentional process art is a traditional sadhana of piety to Root Guru. Mani stones are a form of devotional.

There are many prayer or mantra which are carving on  stones  at  some countries of Himalaya mountains. This is The Mani Stone of Dusum Sangje Prayer  which is found in Sikkim India.



Dusum Sangje Prayer is the prayer for repellent dangers.


Chanting 108 times Dusum Sangje Prayer and Fire Purifying


The Mani Stone of Dusum Sangje Prayer


Rainbow body or Ja-lus

IMG-20160125-WA0000Rainbow body or Ja-lus

Rainbow body or Ja-lus, also known as the clear light body, certain realized beings achieved the transformation of their ordinary bodies into a body of  light.  In this process the physical body Dissolves into its natural state, which is called ja-lus.

Which is that clear light body  as the elements of body purified they transform from their gross manifestation, body, flesh, bone etc into their pure essence as the five colors.  The Colors are blue, green, white, red and golden yellow, as the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of physical body are just fingers, nail and hairs just left behind.

This process done by only the person who practice dharma from basic till dzogchen ati yoga.

Teachings of  Rainbow Body is  taught directly by Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava).
