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The Karma (1)


The Karma (1)

As a Buddhist disciple, we are taught and we must believe that Karma is an absolute law, the law of cause and effect,

Karma is not just a doctrine to be learned, but it should be understood to be practiced in order to benefit for our lives current and future, we can see Karma in the real life, we will reap what we planted, many natural disasters that happening lately is the result of human actions in the past, of all these events, we can conclude that Karma is a law of definite.

as we know that Samsara consists of six realms : god realm, ashura realm, human realm, animal realm, pretha realm and hell realm, Buddha said, it is very difficult to be born as a human, so don’t waste our time as human beings for doing the bad Karma, be always accumulate good Karma if we want to have a better life in this present time and in the future time also.

but we must know too, Karma ( good Karma or bad Karma ) can not be removed, doing good thing is for protect us when the bad Karma is coming, like an umbrella protect us from the rain, anyway doing good thing is a good idea, by doing good Karma, for sure we will leave Samsara and reach Nirvana,

we can say in easy way that Karma is : ” Whatever we do will come back to us “. Buddha teaches us to love all creatures, do not hurt other creatures, live at peace with environment, back to nature, you will get peacefulness.

More The Karma 2

History of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism

The Great Thanka of Khanlop Choisum, consisting of the three great masters, Padmasambhava, KhenChen Bodhisattva, and the king of Tibet Trisong Deutsan, this three great masters built the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet, Samye monastery in the eighth century, in addition to teaching the Dharma in Tibet, Padmasambhava also translated the Buddhist Scripture from Sanskrit to Tibetan language

History of  Tibetan Tantric Buddhism,

In addition to teaching in Tharpaling Jakarta – Indonesia, lama Tamding is also to look after Samten Choikhor Ling in Pangoan Rithod, Manali, Distt Kulu, Himachal-Pradesh, India. Samten Choikhor Ling monastery was founded by Dzogchen Khenpo Thubten, before going back to India, in the ritual in Tharpaling Monastery Jakarta on the 20th of May 2012, lama Tamding told us about the history of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, especially Nyingma tradition, Nyingma means truth of nature, so this tradition lineage is from Kuntu Sangpo ( Adi Buddha) hereditary to Padmasambhava, before Padmasambhava, Tantrayana is only teach in Tushita heaven among the Bodhisattvas and among the Gods, Padmasambhava is the first master who taught Tantrayana between human to human, Padmasambhava taught the secret Tantric Mantra to the human beings also, in the eighth century Padmasambhava brought the teaching of Buddha (Dharma), particularly Tantrayana from India to Tibet, He taught esoteric and exoteric teachings to the King and the people of Tibet, and Padmasambhava together with KhenChen Bodhisattva and king of Tibet Trisong Deutsan built the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet named Samye Ling

Tantric teachings are still preserved from generation to generation until now, there are three ways to preach the teaching of  Tantric Buddhism (Tantrayana), named Wang Lung Trid Sum :

1. Wang   :   Abhiseka / refuge

2. Lung   :   Oral Transmission

3. Trid    :    Description.



The Vesak celebration at TharpaLing monastery

In the 2556 th Vesak celebration at TharpaLing monastery,

Khenpo Neydon Sangpo give some sermon :  in this Vesak holy month, all words and deeds will be multiple a thousand times, so, for every Dharma brothers & Dharma sisters, it will benefit if we can make some ritual or chanting Mantra, Tantrayana-Vajrayana Buddhist disciple which has been ordained by a teacher, or who has got the transmission, can chanting the mantra of Guru Rinpoche ( Padmasambhava ) : ” Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hung ” , this mantra is benefit for purify our bad karmas, and we will be protected by Lama, Yidam, Dakini, and Dharmapala.

Lama Tamding give some sharing :

in this Vesak holy month, it would be good if we can gather virtue, virtue can be realized in seven acts :

1. CHAG TSAL WA : Prostration to Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

2. CHODPA PHUL WA : Offering to Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

3. DIGPA SHAKPA : Confession in the presence of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

4. JESU YIRANG WA : Rejoicing of the good deeds of the others

5. CHOI KHOR KAR WA : Requesting Buddha to rotate the wheel of Dharma

6. SOLWA DEBPA : Supplication of praise

7. NGOWA : Dedication for all sentient beings




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