Tag Archives: The Sera Khandro

The Teachings of Guru Rinpoche in The Sera Khandro Lineage taught by HE Serling Tulku Yongdzin Rinpoche (4)


How wonderful!

Then you meditated in India’s eight sacred charnel grounds,

Where you saw the deities and received their prophecies.

Having reached perfection, you demonstrated various signs of

You eradicated demons and defeated challenges from non-Buddhists.

You traveled to Zahor, where you induced Princess Mandarava
to enter the gate of your teachings.

The king’s punishment was to execute you in fire.

That pyre turned into a lake; you demonstrated many miracles.

You had attained a vajra body; nothing at all could harm you.

The king, in amazement, was moved to faith and respect,

And acknowledged regretfully his wrongdoing.

You then converted the whole kingdom of Zahor to Buddhism.

At Maratika Cave you meditated to gain immortality.

You perfected the practice of longevity and met Buddha Lord of
Infinite Life.

Birth and death lost their hold on you; your body matured into

You journeyed to the five families of enlightenment’s pure lands,
such as Dense Design,

And there you consulted with the Joyful Buddhas:
“Apart from this mind, there is no Buddha,” they said.

You meditated upon Great Seal in Parping

And attained accomplishment of Great Seal.

While you meditated in Yari-gong,
A debate with non-Buddhists was held in Vajra Seat [Bodhgaya].

The dakinis advised the five hundred great scholars there
To invite you and your entourage to Vajra Seat.

With miraculous power you subdued all the non-Buddhists,

Established the true doctrine in India,
And preserved the Way of Secret Mantra at Vajra Seat.

This completes Chapter Three from The Immaculate White Lotus: The Life
of the Master from Oddiyana: Preserving the Doctrine in India and Con-
verting the Land to Buddhism.

Om Ah Houng Benza Guru Péma Siddhi Houng

The Teachings of Guru Rinpoche in The Sera Khandro Lineage taught by HE Serling Tulku Yongdzin Rinpoche (3)


How wonderful!

Then you met the Buddha Shakyamuni’s
Supreme attendant, Ananda,

From whom you took ordination.
You assumed the attributes of a fully-ordained monk.

In the presence of the master Prabha-hasti,
You trained in the three yoga [tantras].

From such masters as Garab Dorjé, Buddha-guhya,
Shri Singha, Manjushri-mitra,
Humkara, Vimalamitra,
Dhana Sanskrita, and Nagarjuna

You received the transmissions, meditation techniques, empower-
ments, and pith instructions

For the Heart Essence of Great Completion,

The Secret Essence Tantra [Sanskrit: Guhyagarbha), the tantra of
Great Sublime [Tibetan: Chemchok] Héruka,

The tantra for enlightenment’s body, Gentle Spendor [Sanskrit:

For enlightenment’s speech, Lotus;
For enlightenment’s mind, Yongdak;
For enlightenment’s qualities, Ambrosia;
For enlightenment’s activity, Vajra Dagger [Tibetan: Dorjé Purba];

The tantra of Offering and Praise;
And the tantra of the Curse of Wrathful Mantras.

Further, from many accomplished masters

You received the full instructions for outer and inner Secret Mantra

The qualities of your training were outstanding and you gained

This completes Chapter Two from The Immaculate White Lotus: The Life of the Master from Oddiyana: Reliance on Spiritual Masters, Receiving Instructions, Ending Doubts, and Gaining Secret Spiritual Liberation.

Om Ah Houng Benza Guru Péma Siddhi Houng

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